Promotional USB

Promotional USB

  • 11 April 2018

Promotional USB

USB is an abbreviation of "Universal Serial Bus" term in English. USB is a common interface that enables communication between devices and a personal computer. These flash memories can store data even when source power is unconnected and in this memory type the content may electronically be cleaned and proggramed again. Flash memory technology is mostly used with memory cards and USB memory devices. You can change the data electrically in EEPROMs which is abbreviation for “Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory". The reason for calling it read-only memory is that the data in it is permanently stored. At the moment you want to store data the transistors change voltage level and the data is saved, deleted or renewed.

We can list general features of flash memories as follows;

Small size: Depending on its type it can be at half or quarter size of a credit card.

Silent Weightless Quick access Durable structure


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